Join us!

Join the Campaign for a fairer tax system based on land values! The work the Labour Land Campaign undertakes is carried out wholly by unpaid activists. We’re not career lobbyists – just ordinary men and women with a passion for social justice.

Get involved with the Labour Land Campaign. It’s easy to join – either as an individual or by signing up your Trade Union branch or Constituency Labour Party.

Annual membership rates are:

Organisations: political party groups, trade unions, etc                £30

Individual membership                                                                               £20

Low income individual membership                                                     £10

To join, simply download, print and complete our Membership Application Form then return to our Secretary:

Carol Wilcox, Secretary, Labour Land Campaign [email protected]

We will add you to our records then send your form on to your bank.


If you have a query about membership of the Labour Land Campaign, would like to attend one of our meetings or arrange for a speaker from the Labour Land Campaign to lead a discussion or seminar with your organisation, please get in touch with the Campaign’s Secretary Carol Wilcox: [email protected].